3 Lessons We Learned This Year


While most of us are more than ready to flip our calendars to a new year, we invite you to take the time to reflect and see the lessons we learned from 2020 which we will surely bring onto the next year.

Here are three things we learned this year:

Love One Another

With the many changes that happened, we learned to communicate in new ways, extend understanding and patience to the people we live and work with. And what a perfect example we have in Jesus, who constantly demonstrated love and grace to the people around Him: His words, always paired with loving action. So while we're physically apart from our friends or colleagues, and live with our families closely each day, let’s not make the distance or proximity keep us from bearing one another with love.

Before the year ends, be sure to send that message, hop on a video call, and let your loved ones know how much you love them. We can always reflect the love of God wherever we are — not only during the holidays, but every day.

John 15:12: My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

We can always reflect the love of God wherever we are — not only during the holidays, but every day.

God Sustains Us

While we’ve experienced so much loss this year — the loss of a loved one, a job, or a missed opportunity — we are reminded that God sustains us through times of pain. Even when we don’t feel it right away, God is with us and He comforts us. Just as He keeps the stars and planets in their place, He will sustain us through our hardest trials and toughest seasons. He renews us with daily strength, so we can face the future with hope.

Just as He keeps the stars and planets in their place, He will sustain us through our hardest trials and toughest seasons.

The Best Days Are Yet To Come 

No one knows what's going to happen after the clock strikes 12, but the confidence we have is this: In Christ, our best days are ahead of us. Whether in personal matters or things we'll get to experience collectively, we know that God has amazing things planned for us and they will always be beyond what we could ever imagine. He is working in us and through us. He isn't finished yet. He isn't done.

Let’s enter the coming year with humble hearts knowing that Jesus has overcome, and He works out all things for the good. John 16:33 says, ”I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Hold fast and take heart. Brace yourselves, the best is yet to come.

Whether it’s something personal, or something we'll get to experience collectively, we know that God has amazing things planned for us and they will always be beyond what we can ever imagine. He is working in us and through us. He isn't finished yet. He isn't done.

Surely, there are many things we can learn from the year that has passed, and our hope is to take all these lessons to heart and bring them along to face the new year. Just as the sun sets at the end of the day, and rises again the next morning, we have a wonderful reminder of hope for the coming year — with all the new beginnings and opportunities it holds.

If you believe that the best days are ahead of us, share one thing you’re excited and praying for — we’d love to pray for you here.

Victory Alabang is a church that exists to Honor God and Make Disciples. To learn more about our church, visit us on Facebook and Instagram.

Victory Alabang