An Open Letter To Moms

Beloved Daughter,

My mind is filled with many wonderful thoughts of you! I see all the things you do. I see you. I know you.

I love how you flourish and beam with joy as you abide in me — you’re like a flower that blooms even in adversity.

I know everything about you — your strengths, your weaknesses. But even so, I delight in you and I love you. I love to call you Mine. I love how you flourish and beam with joy as you abide in me — you’re like a flower that blooms even in adversity.

 You love to lavish love upon the people in your life. You sow kindness, thoughtfulness, prayer, love, and all these secret sacrifices you make — they mark your way of life. I see you spent and bent when night falls. And just before you close your eyes to rest, you keep them in your mind and heart. That’s just the kind of woman you are. You think a lot about your children, your family. I want you to know I have the best things in mind for them. They are dear to Me, more than you’ll ever know. Will you trust Me?

When it comes to the things you need in this life, I know them, even before you ask. I will provide for you. Just come to Me and ask selflessly. I will show up and I won’t fail you. Trust me on this.

And just because I am silent — that doesn't mean I am not working. Miracles happen every single day.

I know your pain. I know what hurts deep inside you. Know that I hear you — even when your prayers are without words and are all but a sigh. Many times you do not feel it, yet I promise you — at that moment, I am right there with you. And just because I am silent — that doesn't mean I am not working. Miracles happen every single day. Open the eyes of your heart, and you’ll see more of it. Open the door to your soul. Allow Me to come in. Let Me bring light, healing, and love into places that are dark, broken, and lonely. I’d love to make it new.

I know you still think, “Why would God be so mindful of me?” My dear, you should have asked Me how much I love you instead. Take a look at the cross and see, I have loved you even before you knew Me. While you were lost, I sought you. And I brought you back where you should be. Now that you are mine, I will never let you go. I love you more than you could ever fathom. My love for you is eternal. But even now, I want you to find a glimpse of My eternal love in the mundane. It’s there in the ordinary. There in the details. There in the here and now. There wherever you are.

Hold My hand. I will always be here for you. Live in My love, My dear precious one.

To all the moms, know that you are loved more than you ever know. Happy Mother’s Day.