Try This Red Velvet Recipe And Create Special Moments Through Cherished Traditions

by Deborah Murrell

Building family traditions all year round is always a great idea, but Christmas time is just the best. There are countless opportunities to create special moments, and then build on them year after year. Our family created so many traditions that it became difficult to keep up with them all. I later realized that some things really only last for a season, while others continue throughout the years. What do you want your children to remember about Christmas? It is so tempting to get caught up in the busyness of the season and forget what, and Who, we are really celebrating. Whatever season of life you are in, you can start creating special moments and see what works for your family. Try new things. Those that you love, keep doing them for as long as they work. Those that you grow out of, let them go and cherish the memories. One sweet tradition my family enjoys is having Red Velvet Cake. See recipe below.

Whatever you do, however, celebrate Jesus with family and friends. Enjoy making sweet memories that you will fondly remember for years to come. Merry Christmas to all, and may Jesus give you the wisdom and creativity to make lasting memories and celebrate the wonders of the Christmas season with great joy!

A Red Velvet Day. For most of us, favorite foods and holiday treats are a big part of our traditions. For my family’s Christmas Day dessert, we have Red Velvet Cake every year. There are many recipes out there, but this one is my favorite.

Red Velvet Cake

Serves 6-8

1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 Tbsp. red vinegar (apple cider

vinegar) plus 1/2 tsp salt
4 Tbsps. red food coloring
1 Tbsp. cocoa powder
2 1/2 cups cake flour (1 cup cake

flour = 1 cup all purpose flour

less 2 Tbsps.)
1 cup buttermilk (make by adding

1 tablespoon of white vinegar to 1 cup milk and let it sit for at least 15 minutes)

1 1/2 tsps. baking soda 1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 cup butter-room temperature 8 oz. Philiadelphia cream cheese 4 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup chopped pecans

1 Cream together butter and sugar. Add eggs. Mix the next 3 ingredients together and then add to the mixture. Alternate adding the cake flour and buttermilk. Then, put in the baking soda and vanilla.

2 Frosting cream together butter and cream cheese. Add powdered sugar and mix well. Add vanilla and mix. Stir in pecans at the end. Frost cooled cake.

*Deborah is the wife of Pastor Steve Murrell, President of Every Nation and Victory’s founding pastor.

Victory Alabang