Palm Sunday: The Promised King — Holy Week at Victory Alabang

A glowing, golden crown atop an orange scroll and green palm leaves

The Promised King

The people of Israel had been waiting for the promised savior-king to come from the line of King David for hundreds of years. They waited through exile to and oppression by different nations. Finally, a certain Jesus who had been performing great miracles and teaching about the kingdom of God reached Jerusalem. How did they respond?


As he was drawing near—already on the way down the Mount of Olives—the whole multitude of his disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

— Luke 19:37–38


How Can We Reflect on Palm Sunday?

This is what we remember this Palm Sunday; the truth that against all odds, Jesus came. God did not forget us. He was not defeated. He fulfills His promises. We can put our trust in Him. As we step back and pause this season of Lent, let us reflect on the King who came to turn our pains into joy not only for today but for eternity. Through His life, death, and resurrection, we have reason to hope. Think about this as you reflect on the majesty of Jesus through this song.


Personal Application

God's promises are fulfilled in and through Christ. May this truth give us faith to navigate whatever circumstances we might be facing. Be they fears or anxieties, long-term prayers, or tears of frustration. May this truth move us to live lives of hope beyond the momentary joys of fame, power, and pleasure—a life of surrender and uplifted hearts.



1. Reflect on the phrase, "Jesus is King." Examine your hopes and expectations of life in light of this phrase. What do you discover?

2. Can you confidently say, "I trust Jesus as my king?" Share a little more about your answer.