Resurrection Sunday: The Victorious King — Holy Week at Victory Alabang

The Victorious King

The women who went to the tomb of Jesus discovered the stone was rolled away, the tomb empty, and the body of Jesus was nowhere to be found. Then they heard the good news, “...He is not here, but has risen..." Afraid yet filled with joy, they went out and testified to the apostles.

Christ’s resurrection is the cornerstone of our Christian faith.

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

— John 11:25-26

How Can We Reflect on Resurrection Sunday?

Christ transformed both life and death. He conquered death, deprived sin of its power over us, and granted us forgiveness of our sins and everlasting life with our Creator, if we believe in Him. Let’s worship God and celebrate the victory of Christ our King.

Personal Application

Jesus lived a perfect life and died on the cross for us. God acknowledged it as a pure and sufficient sacrifice, and on the third day, having conquered death Christ was resurrected. With this in mind, may we always respond to God by turning away from our sins, putting our faith in Him, and allowing God to use us for the advancement of His kingdom.


  1. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are given a fresh start with God. How can we respond to Christ's sacrifice today?

  2. Salvation is meant to be shared. How can we spread the good news to the world around us?