Holy Saturday: The Holy King

The Holy King

On the cross, the King died. His family grieved, his followers hid in fear, and hopelessness consumed many. Pain, sorrow, and death unsettled their thoughts and challenged their beliefs about the promised savior.

“Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” - Romans 6: 3-4

How Can we Reflect on Holy Saturday?

Over the last two years, we have all gone through loss and grief. We may have found ourselves wondering if He left us to face our sorrows alone. Our comfort is that Christ chose to suffer and be crucified so we can live a new life with Him. In our every heartbreak, Christ's heart breaks for us, and He asks us to let Him heal our hearts as we walk with Him.

Personal Application

This Holy Saturday, let us remember that Christ gave His life because of His immeasurable love for us. He gave us new life along with the freedom to choose how to live it. May we always choose to live a life transformed by God’s love.


1. What is your experience of freedom in Christ? How can you walk more in that freedom?

2. Do you currently have pain and grief in your life? Knowing that Christ suffered so that we may have freedom, how can you process that pain and grief?